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The Savage Nomads Release Debut EP 'What The Angel Said'

Friday, 22 October 2010 Written by Jon Stickler
The Savage Nomads Release Debut EP 'What The Angel Said'

It’s been a long time coming, but finally the debut release from London’s The Savage Nomads is upon us.

The 4 piece that prompted the UK press to claim ‘if there is a better young band in the country than The Savage Nomads I’d love to hear them’, have been quietly building up a name for themselves in the capital, whilst honing their electric yet eclectic sound - ‘Think Rage Against The Machine meets Love, with Television-like levels of Musicality’ (The Mirror). They have already had ringing endorsements
from the likes of Mick Jones and Don Letts, the latter featuring them in his recent documentary 'Strummerville'.
Their debut EP is produced by Pat Collier, whose belief in capturing as much of a group’s energy as possible live in the studio complemented perfectly the Savage Nomads’ ideals.
The 4 individual parts are each outstanding, yet it’s as a unit that they excel: Cole Salewicz’s aggressive yet cultured vocal pitched alongside Joe Gillick’s unique guitar style, with a pounding rhythm section provided by Josh Miles (bass) and Billy Boone (drums) driving the sound perfectly.
'What The Angel Said' opens the EP, a three and a half minute slice of pop with a riff that’ll rip your heart out. It’s followed by 'Read Up', a song so strong that it has been in the band’s set from day one, surviving all the culls of early material. Next up, 'The Shamanic Verses', with its almost rapped verse breaking into a mellow chorus before the guitar plays out like a Stranglers keyboard line. The spoken word Part Two then paves the way for the finale, 'An Empty Seat', arguably the band’s most accomplished song to date, and one that recalls the post-punk bands of old whilst sounding incredibly fresh at the same time...go figure.

‘We listen to absolutely everything,’ says Cole Salewicz. For all the group members it’s a great quest to find the next track that leads onto something new for them. ‘Music is very liberating. We never wanted to play anything that sounded the same as other people. We wanted to incorporate all different ideas into the sound, even though there is an underlying punk rock influence, the lyrics can come from hip-hop and the live drumming as much from electronica beats.’
The Savage Nomads will be playing live to support the EP and they will continue their 18-month long monthly residency at the 12 Bar Club on Denmark Street throughout September and October. Catch them while you can still get in the room, dates are :
Thursday 28th October – The Square, Harlow
Friday November 5th – Hope And Anchor, London
Thursday November 11th - The 12 Bar, London
Wednesday November 24th – South Of The Border, London
Saturday December 4th – The Crossing, Digbeth
Thursday December 23 – The 12 Bar, London

More dates are set to be announced soon.

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